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Global Health and Development Rethink Priorities Global Health and Development Rethink Priorities

Impact of mosquito nets on fisheries

In April 2024, GiveWell commissioned Rethink Priorities to conduct research on mosquito nets. The aim was to briefly evaluate whether some nets that are distributed but not used could be causing harm if they are being used for fishing. This rapid research focused on whether greater demand for existing fish stocks could lead to depletion and disrupt long-term sustainability and food security, which we refer to as “overfishing”.

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Research in Brief: The long-term income effects of childhood malaria cases

This research updated GiveWell’s previous literature review on the long-term income effects of childhood malaria to determine whether the assumption that income in adulthood decreases by 1% per childhood malaria case should be adjusted and whether any further evidence should be considered.

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Global Health and Development Rethink Priorities Global Health and Development Rethink Priorities

Research in Brief: Evidence review of family planning interventions

This is a summary of an evidence review of family planning interventions. The review mostly focused on the Family Planning High Impact Practices List, or HIPs, which are a set of family planning practices considered to be the gold standard, and on “Service Delivery” interventions, the category of HIPs that best aligns with GiveWell’s traditional program model.

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Vaccine delivery: Timelines and drivers of delay in low- and middle-income countries

Universal introduction of vaccines in low- and middle-income countries has lagged behind introductions in high-income countries. While Gavi—a global public-private partnership—has helped to alleviate cost-related delays, additional bottlenecks remain. This report suggests interventions to further improve efficiency and experiences throughout the vaccine delivery process.

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Global Health and Development Rethink Priorities Global Health and Development Rethink Priorities

Road safety: Landscape of the problem and routes to effective policy advocacy

In 2019, there were about 1.2 million deaths due to road injuries—about 90% of which occurred in low- and middle-income countries. In this report, researchers reviewed case studies of key time periods in China and Vietnam to better understand the relative impact of (philanthropically-funded) policy changes versus other factors.

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Global Health and Development Bruce Tsai, Erin Braid, and Melanie Basnak Global Health and Development Bruce Tsai, Erin Braid, and Melanie Basnak

Historical Global Health R&D “hits”: Development, main sources of funding, and impact

Research Analyst Bruce Tsai and Research Assistant Erin Braid estimate how many deaths have been averted by five medicines: four antimalarials and one HIV treatment. Their report then reconstructs each drug’s development story, including the roles of funding from companies, academics, government, and philanthropy.

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Better weather forecasting: Agricultural and non-agricultural benefits in low- and lower-middle-income countries

This report is a “shallow” investigation commissioned by Open Philanthropy. This primary focus of the report is to assess weather forecasting as a potential agricultural intervention in low- and lower-middle income countries and to examine the cost-effectiveness of different interventions.

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