
While our publications are all listed here, they are easier to browse on our research page.

Research in Brief: The long-term income effects of childhood malaria cases

This research updated GiveWell’s previous literature review on the long-term income effects of childhood malaria to determine whether the assumption that income in adulthood decreases by 1% per childhood malaria case should be adjusted and whether any further evidence should be considered.

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Global Health and Development Rethink Priorities Global Health and Development Rethink Priorities

Research in Brief: Evidence review of family planning interventions

This is a summary of an evidence review of family planning interventions. The review mostly focused on the Family Planning High Impact Practices List, or HIPs, which are a set of family planning practices considered to be the gold standard, and on “Service Delivery” interventions, the category of HIPs that best aligns with GiveWell’s traditional program model.

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Global Health and Development Rethink Priorities Global Health and Development Rethink Priorities

Road safety: Landscape of the problem and routes to effective policy advocacy

In 2019, there were about 1.2 million deaths due to road injuries—about 90% of which occurred in low- and middle-income countries. In this report, researchers reviewed case studies of key time periods in China and Vietnam to better understand the relative impact of (philanthropically-funded) policy changes versus other factors.

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